Know Your Lemons People!

The “Know Your Lemons” campaign caught my attention because I have lost people close to me to breast cancer, as many unfortunately have. And though the idea started over 16 years ago, and has been publicly out for over 2 years, it's still being used and shared through social media. Not to mention the fact that it is very critical and important and needs to be more circulated by more people. Women in particular, because in our society breast cancer is a big issue and early detection being the biggest problem. 

“Know Your Lemons” is a series of picture ads and videos directing your attention to the full website ( or app that details the significant signs that could potentially be breast cancer! And illustrates them to deformities in lemons! As talked about in this article The creator Dr. Corrine Beaumont started thinking about this over 15 years ago when both of her grandparents died as a result of breast cancer. She discovered that there wasn’t much info out as to what it should look and feel like in a way that would be understood by the everyday woman and not just trained health professionals. Three years ago when she left her job teaching design at the University of Kingston in London England she formed the worldwide breast cancer charity and really started promoting the idea. Thus “know your lemons” was officially born. And with it catching the attention of women everywhere and raising awareness.

“Together, we can educate the world” six words conveying a simple idea, inform people everywhere. And that's exactly what “know your lemons” has been doing over the past several years. A simple motto behind a campaign doing huge things for women's health worldwide. Breast cancer is one of the biggest issues facing women today. Campaigns like this that focus on education are indescribably helpful compared to prior methods of occasional health checks by a doctor. The use of lemons also grabs your attention extremely well while also making it relatable to the intended audience for what they are looking for.   

This marketing strategy was and is still hugely popular and effective. It did everything it hoped to do raise awareness for the very serious issue of breast cancer. And gives real world examples of certain critical warning signs with effective graphics that give examples in a manner people understand clearly. What i would suggest they look into if Iwas a member of their charity, I would suggest putting these graphics of posters in health education classes for kids and young adults. Besides that this is truly an effective strategy to get what they need done as well as being remarkable and grabbing your attention.  


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