
Volvo Modern day old school marketing

Volvo started making Automobiles in 1927, expanding to construction equipment in 1950. They have stayed somewhat at the forefront ever since inventing the first bulldozer type machine the H10 with an arm that lifts to move more material faster than anything before! But through the decades of success a new problem had arose. The changes in marketing happen almost daily it seems and for a company like Volvo construction it can have quite the impact as it is not necessarily one of the household construction equipment names. The big companies don’t even really bother unless they have a new product they are releasing because everyone already knows them and how good their products are. These days marketing is made for the younger generation as they are the largest growing demographic of buyers. Millennial's, which ages range between 22-37 absolutely eat up these ad campaigns of course as it is catered to them. But Millennial's don’t typically buy things like excavators and...

Know Your Lemons People!

The “Know Your Lemons” campaign caught my attention because I have lost people close to me to breast cancer, as many unfortunately have. And though the idea started over 16 years ago, and has been publicly out for over 2 years, it's still being used and shared through social media. Not to mention the fact that it is very critical and important and needs to be more circulated by more people. Women in particular, because in our society breast cancer is a big issue and early detection being the biggest problem.  “Know Your Lemons” is a series of picture ads and videos directing your attention to the full website ( or app that details the significant signs that could potentially be breast cancer! And illustrates them to deformities in lemons! As talked about in this article The creator Dr. Corrine Beaumont started thinking about this over 15 years ago when both of her grandparents died as a result of breast cancer...

A little about Cody

       I enrolled in BA223 Principles of Marketing because I have very little insight into the world of marketing and how it works, obviously I have seen many ads in my, well albeit short life. But I am curious to see what trends and effects there are from marketing firms to meet consumer wants and needs. And I believe in the future I will benefit greatly from having at a minimum the base knowledge of marketing.        I am a Business Administration major and this class satisfied part of my degree path. And I find marketing to be very important in the world of business. So I am very excited about this opportunity to learn in this class.        The most interesting thing to learn about marketing to me is where they come up with the specific avenues ad agencies and business use to target consumers. IE billboards web, television, or radio. And what they include in such ads, language graphics/pictures etc.     ...